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I’m did that happen? And these days I’m an animal artist specialising in coloured pencil and pastels. 


I swapped my stilettos and calculator for slippers and coloured pencils when I retired from my corporate career in 2020.  The slippers and coloured pencils weren’t actually part of the plan.


Art was, without doubt, a completely different direction for me.


And it’s not the first time I’ve made a big change and found a new passion.


At 23, I packed two suitcases (I’ve never been one to travel light...) and moved to the USA. 


I had just completed my Chemistry PhD and had won a research scholarship to MIT.  I stayed in research until my late twenties when I decided to hang up my lab coat and move into the world of business.  I qualified as an accountant and had a successful career in finance for over 20 years. 


I’m sure you’re now seeing the absence of creativity that makes this latest transition such a big change in direction.


Sometimes you just need space and freedom to find your next destination in life.







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I always loved to escape to remote places and be with wildlife.  I’ve been so fortunate to have swum with turtles, hiked bear trails,  watched gorillas with absolute awe in their natural environment to name but a few wonderful wildlife experiences.


And so in many ways it feels like the most natural thing to have become an animal artist


I share my life with my wonderful husband and our two adorable Hungarian vizslas, Rudi and Rocco.  We live in the beautiful Warwickshire countryside in the UK. 



And if you're interested in some links to the resources that got me started with art then here they are...


Learn to draw in 30 days

Get started with art with DrawAwesome

Learn coloured pencils with Bonny Snowdon

Learn pastels with Jason Morgan

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